Transversal projects of DRIIHM LabEx > SASI project

Food systems under influence: food, health and the environment in OHM

This project is part of a “Health Ecology” approach and aims to identify the variability and recurrences associated with the impact of the founding event of each OHM(i) on the relationships between environment, health and food. Through a retrospective and exploratory, emic and etic, interdisciplinary approach, this project proposes to compare, between our five OHM(i), the impacts of our founding events on food systems and health trajectories. Initially, a review of existing data in each OHM(i) will be carried out. Then, a qualitative approach will be used to analyze the links between health, food and environmental change from the point of view of the inhabitants of our socio-ecosystems. Finally, on the basis of an ethical definition of the risk factors associated with food, an ethical approach to the chains of contamination and their determinants, evoked by individuals or identified by research already carried out by OHM(i), will be developed.

OHM: OHMi Tessekere, OHMi Estarreja, OHMi Nunavik, OHM Oyapock, OHM Littoral Caraïbe

Project leader: Priscilla Duboz (OHMi Tesskere)

Post-doctoral researcher: Michel Rapinski - UMREA, CNRS

Doctoral student associated with the project: El Deghel Nathalie (Biochemistry) - UMR LEHNA, ENTPE

Researchers: Duboz Priscilla (Biocultural anthropology), Boëtsch Gilles (Biocultural anthropology), Ka Abdou (Sociology - Anthropology), Silva Eduardo (Geochemistry), Durães Nuno (Mineralogy, geology and geochemistry), Bedell Jean-Philippe (Terrestrial ecotoxicology, plant physiology and environmental risk assessment), Patinha Carla (Geochemistry, ETMs), Sousa Ana Catarina (Environmental toxicology), Angeon Valérie (Economics), Diman Jean-Louis. (Agronomy), Foulquier Eric (Geography), Raymond Raymond (Agrogeography), Lopez Pascal-Jean (Biology - Ecology), Davy Davy (Anthropology), Odonne Guillaume (Ethnobotany), Cuerrier Alain (Botany), Genta-Jouve G. (Chemistry), Tareau MA. (Ethnobotany), Coxam Véronique (Nutrition - Health), Joliet Fabienne (Cultural geography), Herrmann Thora (Health geography, Ethnobotany), Chanteloup Laine (Geography), Bhiry Najat (Geology - Paleoenvironment), Decaulne Armelle (Geography), El Deghel Nathalie (Biochemistry), Rapinski Michel (Anthropology - Ethnobotany)

Master 2 students: Brunonne Lucille, Heewon Kang, Jean Lubszynski, Marie Belin, Ivy Legros, Pauline Chevet, Daniela Calado

French partner institutions: CNRS (IRL3189 ESS, UMR5023 LEHNA, UMR7206 Eco-Anthropologie, UMR6554 LETG, UMR8067 BOREA, UAR3456 LEEISA, UMR6590 ESO), INRAe (UE PEYI, UMR1019 Nutrition humaine), ENTPE, MNHN, Université des Antilles, UBO

Foreign institutions: Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar), University of Aveiro (Portugal), CEN University of Laval (Canada, Quebec), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental, Research - UFZ & German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig (Germany), University of Oulu (Finland), Institut de Géographie et Durabilité - University of Lausanne (Switzerland).



Rapinski, M.; Raymond, R.; Davy, D.; Herrmann, T.; Bedell, J.-P.; Ka, A.; Odonne, G.; Chanteloup, L.; Lopez, P.J.; Foulquier, É.; et al. Local Food Systems under Global Influence: The Case of Food, Health and Environment in Five Socio-Ecosystems. Sustainability 2023, 15, 2376., ⟨hal-03986342⟩

Richard Raymond, Michael Rapinski, Eric Foulquier, Marie Belin, Cecilia Di Loreto, et al.. Considérer le fonctionnement d’une interface de transport : À propos de l’importation de biens alimentaires en Guadeloupe, réflexions à partir des travaux de Gilbert Simondon. Sophie Bonin. Infrastructures de transport créatives. Mieux les intégrer aux écosystèmes, paysages et territoires, Quae, pp.67-75, 2024, 978-2-7592-3813-2. ⟨hal-04462584⟩

Nathalie El Deghel, Michael Rapinski, Priscilla Duboz, Damien Davy, Richard Raymond, et al.. Analysis of POPs in OHM Food Systems: Towards Understanding Contamination and Dispersion. International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM 2024, Jun 2024, Montpellier, France, 2024, ⟨10.34972/driihm-cc4284⟩. ⟨hal-04622212⟩

Nathalie El Deghel, Anne-Laure Badin, Michael Rapinski, Priscilla Duboz, Jean-Philippe Bedell. Populations exposure to foodborne pollution in OHM(i) – literature review of these socio-ecosystems.. International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM 2023, Jun 2023, Strasbourg, France, 2023, ⟨10.34972/driihm-770353⟩. ⟨hal-04171157⟩

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