
In 2020-2021, LabEx DRIIHM initiated a reflection on cross-cutting themes for the 13 OHM (Human Environment Observatories). As a result of this work, a call for transversal projects was opened, and 3 projects, each grouping between 5 and 7 OHM, were supported for a period of 3 years.

Descartes amphitheatre at ENS Lyon - November 18, 19 and 20

As part of the conference, half a day will be devoted to presenting the results of each project. These three sessions are open to all, on simple registration via this site (November 18 and 19).

The morning of November 20 will be devoted to a reflection on this cross-disciplinary approach within Labex DRIIHM. This session is reserved for OHM researchers only.

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